Drop-In Workshops for Children & Families @ The Braid Arts Centre

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Drop-In Workshops for Children & Families @ The Braid Arts Centre

Drop-In Workshops for Children & Families @ The Braid Arts Centre

127 127 people viewed this event.

Saturday 13 May 2023

Make & Play Workshop for 9 – 13 years

Saturday 13th May in The Atrium of The Braid – 11.00am to 12.30pm 

Make your own drum and then perform some lively rhythms for your friends and family.

Participants will explore and experiment with a range of recycled materials to create a range of percussive sounds.  

Led by Derek Montgomery & Cherith Knipe, participants will then showcase their work by performing for friends and family on the instruments they made.

Make Your Own Rain Stick Workshop – Children of all ages

Saturday 13th May in The Atrium of The Braid – 2.00pm to 3.00pm

Participants will experiment and explore a range of natural materials to make your own take away rain stick. 

Led by Derek Montgomery & Cherith Knipe

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2023-05-13 @ 11:00 to
2023-05-13 @ 15:00

Registration End Date


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